The detection of airflow obstruction is defined by the use of FEV1/FVC ratio <70% or <LLN. It is known that this cut-off is not able to identify the early stages of obstructive pulmonary disease. We believe that early recognition of the patient at risk of developing significant airflow obstruction, especially in the case of patients with severe AAT deficiency, is of vital importance in defining the duration and type of follow-up, in terms of frequency and attention to overall patient management.
Forced oscillometry (FOT) is a pulmonary function test that measures the mechanical properties of the respiratory system. FOT provides valuable information about airway resistance and reactance and has been recognized as a valuable tool for detecting early signs of obstructive lung diseases, including conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), moreover is a very easy and confortable test for the patients, not requiring any respiratory effort.